Monday, November 29, 2010

Hey cat. So I just grabbed your bag by accident. Then I was like "I
don't have fancy electronics" and got mine instead, with the un-fancy
electronics and everything. So yeah I trained today that's why I'm
here on a Monday. Bye mom.

^Courtesy of Claire

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What not to do on your ACT

1. Develop lazy eye
"Hey you eyes on your own paper."
"They are..."
", corner spot, go."
2. Bring your iPod
"But...But...I need my tunes."
3. Ask to use your iPod as a calculator.
"No iPods, Phones, Mp3 players, or any other technological devices allowed."
"What if my calculator is on my iPod?"
"..." Everyone else in the room is palming their face. Also, this actually happened.
4. Forget to bring food.
"Grawlllllll, goooooaaannnnn, fuuuuuuuuuck yoooooouuuuuuu teeeeeeeeest."
"What was that?"
"My stomach, my bad."
5. Forget your name.
"Write clearly you name in the boxes provided."

Friday, November 5, 2010


So I was in German.
You will now be forced to learn some German Grammar
So, ah, have fun with that.

What I remeber of German Grammer
The verb is always the second part (Think yoda)
So if I said, I'm going home (Ich gehe nach hause) That is correct.
This gets tricky when you have a Introduction
In Fall, I'm going home (Im herbst, gehe Ich nach hause not Im herbst, I gehe nach hause)

Every noun has an article, these articles are either feminine, masculine, or neuter.
feminine is die, masculine, is der, and neuter is das.
Das auto is neuter.
Der Frau is masculine.
The actual gender of the noun doesn't matter.

This actually applies when using direct objects and indirect objects, as the articles change then.

There are 9 Pronouns Ich (I) Du (you) er sie es (he she it) Sie (they) Ihr (you plural) Sie (you formal)

You only use du if you know the person well, us sie in all other situations, when in doubt use du
every pronoun has it's own ending
Ich -e
Du -st
er sie es -t
sie -st
ihr -en
sie -en
(I think It's been a while)

Ich bin
bu bist


I'm so behind.
So you're probably asking why am I blogging?
one word.

I really hope I'm not doing anything the last weekend of the month.
I'm probably be writing the entire weekend.
oh well

John Green did a video on the French Revolution!
I know about that! Yay!
Did you know the person who invented the guillotine was beheaded, by the guillotine?

and Marie Antoinette never said "Let them eat cake!" It was and earlier queen and was just used for propaganda. And the Cake refers to white bread, not cake, peasants ate grainy bread (which is better for you, incidentally) and it was a sign of nobility to eat white refined bread (the unhealthy kind).

Let's change the subject, it has too many words I can't spell.

But most subjects will have words I can't spell.

Also, Moulin Rouge. I love that movie, and it's french.

That's all

Au Revoir!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I need to write

so write I will

so, I had to go to a meeting and talk about the ACT at the school.

The person told us to be there 5:45...

we got done at 7:10

we talked for like, 15 minutes, at the very most.

it was not cool, but I get chinese, yay!!!

I'm looking for a new profile pic, for facebook.
and I can't find one, John Green came two weekends ago, but I can't find any good pics...I don't want to upload mine, slow internet

I missed Glee.
I had to work, I am so sad.

also John Green and Amy Krause Rosenthal rick rolled me, I'm not sure if I'm happy about this or not...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Knowledge!!!

So this isn't going well...this blogging thing

cause, well, I'm writing about what? nothing...
but I know things so

*******RANDOM KNOWLEDGE TIME!!!!!********

A way to get out of questions about your future

Your Grandma asks you what are you going to do with your life?
Instead of mumbling a response reply with, "I prefer not to make plans. You know who else made plans? Stalin, two of them, for five years. And we see how that turned out. Famine, genocide, an extremely poor lower class, do you want that brought upon me no sir. and then leave.

background knowledge
Stalin made two five-year plans to turn the soviet union into an industrial nation, as apposed to the agricultural nation it was pre-stalin. In ten years stalin was able to turn the USSR into an industrial power house, but this cost many lives.
Not only did Stalin FORCE a famine on the people of Ukraine (Yikes), he also applied industrial methods to the agricultural forces in his country...not a good idea. There wasn't enough workers, they were very poor, etc.
Many people died.
and Stalin's a commie, perfect for your older relatives.


Next idea?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When to...

break up with a girl and when not too (just the date)

when not to
Less than a week before...
*her birthday (I mean really?)
*Christmas, It's stressful enough without that and then all that family time
*any holiday (ok, only the real ones, don't worry about Labor day)
*your anniversary
*Her period, yeah so that's awkward but still you gotta think about these things
*an event where she is expected to be happy, like her sister's wedding, a big meeting, or a birthday party
*a big vacation, if she takes a week off don't tell her then...please

When to tell her
*on a stupid holiday, say she gets labor day off tell her then, she doesn't have to go to work distraught but it doesn't ruin a holiday
*after the aforementioned events
*well before an event that requires you or her to buy things for each other
*if your just ignoring her, and some minor stuff is going on
*if your cheating on her

Tell me what you think

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I am watching the Blind Side...
I like it, but the writer does this thing where they make people in the script piss you off. Which (shockingly) pisses me off. Grrrrrr. I know it's an effect and stuff but argh, it still pisses me offffff

I bought a Yoda says, size matters not, hmhm. I feel like it's a fat joke...

Doctor? Doctor? Doctor?
ha, spies like us, 80's movie watch it, it's great


Saturday, May 1, 2010


I just put a title cause I think it looks cooler.

I'm watching a forensics show right now...or I looked really good and was British (squeal) but then my mind went woooooosh and started concentrated on the computer (like it is now) and ah, I missed the big, here's the secret weapon, end the war, yay, scene. So I'm not sure what is going on, but there are French jokes every once in thats not all bad. Oh now they are talking ethics, yay.

(excuse me I was watching the intense you betrayed your country scene.)

I guess God is tied into this too??? and ptsd and government cover, it's like all the cliches of war movies trapped in one bbc special.

Oh! big finish!

yawn, I'm tired. I had to get up way too early. State Solo and Ensemble...yeah, actually less stressful than District. Idk, why...
two 1's and a 2
I think that's good.
But that's just me...I think it was good.

Can I saw a word about show choirs?
Good, I will then.
They really aren't that great.
Most of the dancing
But because they dance the vocal quality goes wayyyyyy down...
which just provides a mediocre proformance.
Not that they can't sing...
or that show choirs suck
they just have a lot on their plate.
I like the word mediocre, I think it's the re at the end.
and just like that I don't want to write anymore, so bye.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I'm back
I know you missed me

yeah, sorry I won't do that again
of course no one reads it so...

I joined twitter...
just to get the vlogbrothers tweets
I'm ok with that

I had my first day of school after spring break
it sucked
it really did
I'm so tired from vacation
I think the monday after spring break should be called hangover day and we should get it off...
everyone was so tan it was kind of gross

my contacts are bothering me
I think it's from the dry Arizona weather
stupid dryness

I hate basketball
particualarly when you want to watch something and a stupid game is on..

that is all


Sunday, March 21, 2010

well it's been a while
I'm sorry to you my nonexsitant audience

man over board!!!!!
I'm watching that crab fishing show, um...most dangerous catch?
it's really thrilling...

well since no one reads this I'll be done now, don't worry I'll start writing again soon.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I love the fishies!!!
did you know one is invisible...
it is, really

you know what I like? hot chocolate, and capicino (even if I can't spell them) cappuccino hmmm, much better.

I love days off of school...
hm, I'm bored, I'm watching Little House on the Prairie and it's all serious cause someone burned a barn and there's a black guy, and it's all very dramatic. Kinda funny actually, I love laughing at stuff like that.
Like I saw this movie called 9 to 5 it was on at 11 at night and these three ladies, smoked some marijuana, thought about ways to get back at their boss, then they sort of happened, and one thought she killed him, so she stole a corpse to hide the crime, except she didn't kill him...and then they end up kidnapping him and leaving him prisoner in his own house, attatched to a hang-gliding harness that could be pulled up by a garage door opener. yeah they had black mail too, it was really funny, Lily tomlin, from the original SNL, and Dolly Partin were in it.
and thats all I got for now...

Sunday, February 7, 2010




that is all

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Insanity

I got my glasses yay!

I can't decide if I love them...or just sort of like them.

So If anyone could tell me why I added Dies Ire (From Mozart's Requiem) to a playlist called love drunk with You Give Love a Bad Name(Bon Jovi), Before He Cheats (Carrie Underwood), Hey There Deilha, Love Drunk, that would be great.

I love creating playlists...I just make random ones, with random songs that only go together in my brain...or don't at all.

*I will have you, do do, and will get him back even as he gloats*-Sweeney todd*

that is also on the LoveDrunk play list....oh I like that LoveDrunk...I didn't write it like that before...

ahh, I wish I could use shuffle on my ipod, however, I have books on cd, that always pop up, so I have to change it all the time, oh well.

oh I guess it's a John Denver night.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Shakespeare is addicting

Thoughts lay deep and trouble me
for though I wish not to be concerned
my thoughts grow long and unreturned

My goodness my thoughts will not cease to be.
this unceasing strain
of tedious vocabulary.

Shakespeare is addicting.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New converse!

I am most defiantly a converse addict. I got this pair for Christmas, and they are converse red so 10% of the money goes to project (red) for aids and malaria. They are black low-tops with I <3 __________________ on the side.

Well that was the highlight of my day...

I finished Macbeth, I had to read it for school but whatever, and I guess it was good. The plot was good, but I agree with one of my teachers, it is a play and should really be seen. There are so many little quirks that might be lost in translation, that come out in the acting, and you can infer better if you watch the play.

Fare thee well, you fenny scummed cur.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I ordered glasses over the Internet, I hope they look good.

More importantly, they only cost $15
this blows my mind I have never spent less than a hundred dollars for glasses, let alone less than 20. Now I know I don't have anyone to repair them and the lens might be the wrong prescription, but still $15!

Today, is also a football day. The championship games are going on, and I really don't want Farve to win, call me crazy, but he just *sigh* I'm a packers fan...and he was great but change is good, and he's been retired twice? three times? also, I think he's gotten whiny.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ok, today I want to talk about key changes!
this will define my nerdness...

key changes are musicians gift to mankind...I am not exaggerating here either
if you don't know key changes are, they are the parts in music where the music sounds different but it still sounds almost the same. They're usually somewhere in the later part of the song.

a good key change will blow your mind, it just adds so much excitment and definition to the piece.

sometimes there is a ritard(slowing done) before the key change, which makes the key change even more awesome.

Key changes can even change the meaning of the piece, for example, the song can be in a minor key, so it sounds sad, but then you change the key and it's happy! and thats all you have to do. Or you can go from happy to sad...
and you can change the tempo...

Am I geeky enough yet?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

John Green had a baby!!!!!!!!!!


and if you want to donate to haiti, Rhianna has a song out that the profits apparently go to haiti its on itunes.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well, I just got home from work...not interesting really...
But I found these glasses a few days ago that look like nerd glasses, but they don't have lenses :( hopefully I can find the same pair or one close to it from the internet, *cheers*

There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein. ~Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith

Monday, January 18, 2010

This blog is made of awesome.

hence the title.

just to let you know.

Well, I hope I remember/have time to write.

ok, well I'll just get to blogging then...