Friday, November 5, 2010


I'm so behind.
So you're probably asking why am I blogging?
one word.

I really hope I'm not doing anything the last weekend of the month.
I'm probably be writing the entire weekend.
oh well

John Green did a video on the French Revolution!
I know about that! Yay!
Did you know the person who invented the guillotine was beheaded, by the guillotine?

and Marie Antoinette never said "Let them eat cake!" It was and earlier queen and was just used for propaganda. And the Cake refers to white bread, not cake, peasants ate grainy bread (which is better for you, incidentally) and it was a sign of nobility to eat white refined bread (the unhealthy kind).

Let's change the subject, it has too many words I can't spell.

But most subjects will have words I can't spell.

Also, Moulin Rouge. I love that movie, and it's french.

That's all

Au Revoir!