Sunday, November 28, 2010

What not to do on your ACT

1. Develop lazy eye
"Hey you eyes on your own paper."
"They are..."
", corner spot, go."
2. Bring your iPod
"But...But...I need my tunes."
3. Ask to use your iPod as a calculator.
"No iPods, Phones, Mp3 players, or any other technological devices allowed."
"What if my calculator is on my iPod?"
"..." Everyone else in the room is palming their face. Also, this actually happened.
4. Forget to bring food.
"Grawlllllll, goooooaaannnnn, fuuuuuuuuuck yoooooouuuuuuu teeeeeeeeest."
"What was that?"
"My stomach, my bad."
5. Forget your name.
"Write clearly you name in the boxes provided."