Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Knowledge!!!

So this isn't going well...this blogging thing

cause, well, I'm writing about what? nothing...
but I know things so

*******RANDOM KNOWLEDGE TIME!!!!!********

A way to get out of questions about your future

Your Grandma asks you what are you going to do with your life?
Instead of mumbling a response reply with, "I prefer not to make plans. You know who else made plans? Stalin, two of them, for five years. And we see how that turned out. Famine, genocide, an extremely poor lower class, do you want that brought upon me no sir. and then leave.

background knowledge
Stalin made two five-year plans to turn the soviet union into an industrial nation, as apposed to the agricultural nation it was pre-stalin. In ten years stalin was able to turn the USSR into an industrial power house, but this cost many lives.
Not only did Stalin FORCE a famine on the people of Ukraine (Yikes), he also applied industrial methods to the agricultural forces in his country...not a good idea. There wasn't enough workers, they were very poor, etc.
Many people died.
and Stalin's a commie, perfect for your older relatives.


Next idea?